Saturday, 30 April 2011

What's For You, Will Not Go By You

I always have always taken this as a Glaswegian phrase but this message is conveyed in the book through the women.

The Three Daughters of The Lady of the Lake:
Igraine bowed to politics to keep the peace but in the end, protected her children as best she could. But she was blessed to spend another lifetime with her priest lover.

Vivianne's grand plans do not always follow her own will but that of the changing world where men ruled. She never gave birth to a much longed for daughter to the Goddess, only sons who feared her.

Morgause's ambitions, dabbling in the black arts, do not come to fruit and her sons became the most loyal of Arthur's followers, not his rivals. But she became Queen in Lothian in her own right after her husband the King died.

Gwenhwyfar wished only for security. She belonged in a convent where she feel safe and devote herself to simpler things.

Morgaine. She tried too hard to please everyone, to her own detriment. She never followed her heart.

And she never understood that the Goddess would find her own way to prevail, no matter what women do, or do not do . . . Goddess, Earth Mother, Our Lady, maiden/mother/crone.

The cycle of Life, Death, Re-Birth continues on through eternity

What's for you, will not go by you (and what isn't for you, will ;))

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*paraphrased from The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley