Saturday, 22 January 2011

1am bed, 1pm rise

I am having a lazy Saturday. I feel physically drained of energy but mentally on fire. What I could achieve if I could persuade my body to move? But I have moved to the sofa and PC so that is a start - the hoover may be a step too far. Yes, it has been more than 2 hours to get to this stage. I glance guiltily at the book and lovingly at the small empty box of mint creams. Yum. They were nice addition to a light breakfast this afternoon but I still hanker for a roll on potato scone and brown sauce (apples again). 

As I have none in the house, I resolve to have one for breakfast when I return to work on Tuesday. I have lunch booked so I know shouldn't as it will spoil my appetite but I want both. Not what you would expect of a flighty Piscean? I can assure you the conflicting debate has already taken place and selfishness has won over guilty feeling. 

However Tuesday is a long time away for a fickle fish, who is too trusting and easily swayed by her peers to conform to the norm . . . Can I stand my ground or crumble yet again? (more apples :-))

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*paraphrased from The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley