Monday, 27 December 2010

The Passing of Midwinter

The theme of Midwinter has been the bitter cold. On a good note, a sense of community and camaraderie has returned, with strangers cheerily greeting others in the street with 'it's a bit warmer today' when the daytime temperatures soared from a baltic -11  degrees celsius to a positively balmy -6. They say it was even above freezing today - not that I have been outside my door to confirm or deny it. What a Christmas blessing indeed! But there is a heavy snow warning for tomorrow . . .

Midwinter and the full moon brought bustling industry - shopping with various degrees of success, concerts - Arcade Fire and Belle and Sebastian, various lunches with family, friends and colleagues and mad house tidying.

It has been a generous spirited season, which I hope will continue well into the New Year and beyond.

My beautiful Christmas wreath, a gift from my beloved mother, hangs proudly on my front door, adorned with  glistening red apples amidst the green foliage, telling me it is time to join Morgaine in her journey to the Isle of Avalon and the path of the Goddess.

The isle of apples awaits . . .

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*paraphrased from The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley