Friday, 10 December 2010

The Glastonbury Holy Thorn

It is not midwinter yet the landscape has been covered in snow for almost two weeks now - with no end in sight.

I had no intention of writing until midwinter - out of respect to Igraine - so I could then turn my attention more fully to Morgaine.

However, in response to reports of a wilful act of destruction, I felt compelled to do.

The Holy Thorn Tree of Glastonbury on Wearyall Hill has been cut down in the middle of the night, branches strewn beside the remaining stump.

According to legend and echoed in the Mists of Avalon, Jesus' uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, was welcomed to Glastonbury by the Druids and Christian priests alike. He then took Jesus' staff and planted it on Wearyall Hill, where it took root and sprouted, blossoming at Christmas and Easter.

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*paraphrased from The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley